How to Unclog a Kitchen Sink

Red One Plumbing

How to Unclog a Kitchen Sink

How to Unclog a Kitchen Sink

1. Remove Standing Water:

  • Before you start fixing a clogged kitchen sink, get rid of any standing water using a cup or basin. Some methods may require adding fresh water.

2. Plunge the Kitchen Sink:

  • Begin by attempting to plunge the clog away. Use a cup plunger, which is a simple tool with a flat rim that forms a seal over the sink hole. Ensure there's enough water to cover the plunger's head.
  • Maintain a good seal and plunge rapidly, keeping the plunger submerged and lifting it only slightly with each upstroke.

3. Use Boiling Water:

  • Boil half a gallon of water and carefully pour it directly into the drain in a steady stream.
  • If the water doesn't drain, let it cool and repeat the process.

4. Check the Garbage Disposal:

  • If your sink has a garbage disposal, check it first. Turn it on; it might break up the clog. If it's not running, look for a reset switch and try again.

5. Dissolve Clog with Baking Soda:

  • Pour one cup of baking soda followed by one cup of white vinegar down the drain.
  • Cover the drain opening and wait 15 minutes. Then remove the cover and run hot tap water to clear the clog.

6. Use a Wet-Dry Vacuum to Clear the Sink:

  • Set up your wet-dry vacuum for wet use and create a tight seal around the drain.
  • If you have a double sink, seal the other side with a rubber stopper.
  • Turn on the vacuum at the highest setting to dislodge the clog.

7. Use an Auger (Plumbing Snake):

  • Feed the auger cable into the drain until you encounter resistance.
  • Pull out about one foot of cable from the machine end and hold it slack.
  • Lock the cable length and turn the crank to bore into the clog.
  • You'll feel a change in resistance when the auger breaks through the clog.
  • Retract the auger and flush the pipe with hot water.

8. Use an Auger on the Trap and Wall Pipe:

  • Place a bucket under the sink to catch excess water.
  • Unscrew the connectors on the PVC pipe holding the P-trap to the vertical and horizontal drain pipes.
  • Check the drain trap for clogs, remove debris, reassemble the pipes, and hand-tighten the connectors.
  • Flush the sink with hot water and check for leaks.

9. Tips to Prevent Future Clogs:

- Don't overload the disposal; grind no more than 1 cup of food waste at a time.

- Avoid putting grease, oil, or coffee grounds down the drain.

- Use vinegar and water ice cubes to keep the disposal fresh.

- Run hot water after each use to maintain a clear drain.

If these methods fail, considering looking for a professional plumbing company for further assistance on how to unclog a kitchen sink. Red One Plumbing offer professional drain cleaning and repair in Pearland, TX.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and experience our exceptional clogged drain repair in Pearland and customer service firsthand.